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29th Annual Hummingbird Festival

  • Woodlands Nature Station 3146 Silver Trail Road Cadiz, KY, 42211 United States (map)

August brings hundreds of hummingbirds through Land Between the Lakes as they migrate south to Central America! Join us to celebrate this natural spectacle and watch these backyard beauties as they buzz around our native gardens.

Learn about their amazing migration and observe hummingbird banding. Stop by the native plant sale, admire the pollinator photo gallery, enjoy games and crafts with the kids and attend programs and demonstrations covering hummingbirds and other backyard wildlife!

Hours: Saturday and Sunday, 10am - 4pm.
Admission: $9 for ages 16+; $7 for ages 5-15; free for ages 4 and under.
Full event details and schedule will be available by July 1st.


July 21

Mini Art Exhibition Summer Youth Workshop @ MAG

August 15

Our Town @ Playhouse in the Park