Earth Week
The Human Element (USA, 2019) sponsored by W.S.I (Biological Sciences)
Dir. James Balog
78 mins.
Not Rated
This Earth Vision Institute arresting documentary by environmental photographer James Balog not only focuses on how human activities alter the 4 basic elements of life – earth, air, water, and fire- but on how an imbalance in one element brings imbalance to the rest. With rare compassion and heart, Balog inspires us to reevaluate our relationship with the natural world, as we humans are the 5th element, the only force that can bring the system back into balance
Thanks to our sponsors and supporters: CHFA, THE DEPARTMENTS OF HISTORY, POLITICAL SCIENCE, BIOLOGY/WSI, ENGLISH, THE SIERRA CLUB, and members of the community.
Faculty Hall, Room 208 on Thursdays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m.
Donations are welcome to help with the licensing fees. Call the MSU Office of Development at 270.809.3001 or give online (To designate your online gift, choose Other - Cinema International)