January 10 - 26
Reception: Sunday / January 26 / 2-3pm
With a grant from Arts for All Kentucky, Murray Art Guild and Murray State University partnered once again to offer the Side by Side program for children with disabilities. Side by Side is designed to make creative opportunities available to students, fee-free, to reinforce inclusiveness and positive self-image, and highlight the importance of visual arts education to the development of young people with disabilities.
Side By Side begins with four studio sessions taught by Murray Art Guild’s Executive Director Debi Danielson, as well local artist, Amanda Kaler. Students complete different pieces in four sessions and then are paired with local artists to complete a collaborative piece of art. Completed works are displayed in an exhibition with an opening reception where all participants are recognized.
The Murray Convention & Visitors Bureau has graciously offered their gallery during our construction and while we are in our temporary space. Their business hours are Monday to Friday, 8-4:00.