Wednesday, April 24 10:30-11:00 AM Calloway County Public Library Community Room A/B Multi-Age Family Story Time AGE Group: Children aged 1-6, accompanied by an Adult. No Registration Required.
Multi-Age Family Story Time is a fun-filled half-hour program featuring books, songs, and activities for children ages 1-6, accompanied by an adult.
Accompanying Adults: This program is designed for children and their accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and engage with your child during this program. Drop-offs will not be permitted.
April 24 Story Time Theme: Gardening & Vegetables Featured Books: In Our Garden by Pat Zietlow Miller & Melissa Crowton Counting in the Garden! by Emily Hruby, illustrated by Patrick Hruby Lola Plants a Garden by Anna McQuinn, illustrated by Rosalind Beardshaw
Inclement Weather: The Calloway County Public Library Story Time Program follows the Calloway County School System weather closings. If the Calloway County Schools are closed due to weather or hazardous road conditions, storytime will not be held, even if the library is open.