Catching ‘Em All in Murray
Pokemon Go has been an overnight sensation. What better place to play than Murray, Kentucky? With so many of the big Poke Stop's in safe areas across the community, you can play for hours this summer with friends and family. The biggest hot spots for Pokemon Go are in some of the easiest areas of town to get around, especially on foot! We wanted to provide a list of the best places around town to get a ton of Pokemon Go played. Get out and help represent your team with our helpful hints!
Common Pokemon in Murray, Kentucky: Normal-type, Grass-type, Water-type, Bug-type, Poison-type
(Photo: Edward Alan Marlowe)
The Murray CVB is one of the Poke Stop's you will have to check out. This can be your starting point in catching and battling it out on the rest of Murray's Court Square. In a quarter mile radius there are 10 Poke Stop's and a gym. The CVB is also the home of multiple wild Pokemon. If we are open, we welcome you to come and catch them!
Common Pokemon seen near the CVB: Pinsir, Vulpix, Eggexcute, Caterpie, Weedle, Zubat, Pidgey, Rattata, Oddish
(Photo: Instagram user @Cheyennetryingtoohard)
Strolling through campus will get you a lot more than a good view of Racer Nation. You will find a ton of Poke Stop's, wild Pokemon and two gyms to compete at once you have reached Level 5 of becoming a trainer.
Shaded walks on the trails make for a great place to be while playing Pokemon Go. There are more than seven Poke Stops and two gyms. The Rotary Amphitheater is one of the gyms, be aware that if a show is happening to be respectful to the performance. Tons of wild Pokemon are also out on any of the trails.
The Calloway County Library is also becoming a popular Poke Stop. Be sure to visit your local library!
Remember, safety first! Watch out for Team Rocket! Ash Ketchum always had Misty, Brock and his Pokemon friends around when traveling Kanto, and you should too! Visiting Poke Stops and Poke Gyms is better to do with friends so that you aren't walking alone. Go out and be active but don't forget, as you are out, be aware of your surroundings. Enjoy yourself as you go around catching em all in the Friendliest Small Town.