Top 6 Fall Events in Murray
Fall is a gorgeous time in our small town. Murray is fortunate to have so many different activities throughout the year and fall is no exception!
1. Ice Cream Festival September 9-10
Free ice cream, movies on the court square and inflatables make for a lot of fun. Bring the family and meet your friends to enjoy the excitement over the two days on the court square. You can also see all the cars within the Ratoberfest & Metal Mafia Car Cruise-In.
2. Citywide Yard Sale September 17
The citywide yard sale is the perfect excuse to work on some DIY projects you've found on Pinterest, or to maybe find the perfect gifts for the upcoming holidays. To get on the map, apply here. Maps will be available starting September 15 at the Murray CVB and the Chamber of Commerce for only $2. All the money raised will go to Murray's Freedom Fest.
(Photo: Murray State University)
3. Festival of Champions September 17
Marching bands from across the state will be arriving to compete in the annual Festival of Champions. As one of the largest marching band competitions throughout the state, Murray will have groups visiting from Eastern Kentucky and Arkansas to participate. Bands will perform their shows that they have worked hours on over the summer. Racer Band will also debut their fall show to all attendees. You will not want to miss this!
4. Murray Art Guild Proof's Exhibit September 23-October 7
The opening reception for MAG Proof Exhibit is September 23 and located at the Robert O. Miller Conference Center. The Murray CVB is open Monday-Friday 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. for anyone to come view the exhibit until October 7.
5. Fall on the Farm October 1
Fall on the Farm is a Murray family favorite. For just $5 per person, you can enjoy the Animal Tales Show on Murray State University Pullen Farm. Pumpkins, concessions and t-shirts will be available for purchase from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
6. Murray State's Homecoming October 28- 29
(Photo: Murray State University)
Homecoming Parade, Tent City, the football game decked out in all your navy and gold makes for one of the most exciting weekends of the year in Murray. Show your pride in Racer Nation!
For a listing of all events throughout fall, click here.