Back to All Events Holidays at Oakhurst Tuesday, December 12, 2023 4:30 PM 6:30 PM Oakhurst 1510 Main St Murray, KY 42071 USA (map) Google Calendar ICS Holidays at Oakhurst sponsored by the President’s Office and Town & Gown.The Murray State community and general public are invited for an evening of holiday cheer, refreshments and musical performances by University students in this historic home.This is a free event.
Holidays at Oakhurst Tuesday, December 12, 2023 4:30 PM 6:30 PM Oakhurst 1510 Main St Murray, KY 42071 USA (map) Google Calendar ICS Holidays at Oakhurst sponsored by the President’s Office and Town & Gown.The Murray State community and general public are invited for an evening of holiday cheer, refreshments and musical performances by University students in this historic home.This is a free event.